Professional Development & Events

Get Involved! Upcoming Consortium PD.

Upcoming Consortium Professional Development Opportunities

Congratulations on finishing the first full week of school! Our fall PD is taking shape - we hope you'll get involved!

Join the 2022-2023 Math Exchange!

School Teams must RSVP to by Wednesday, September 28

We are recruiting school teams for the 2022-23 Math Exchange. This year's focus will be on day-to-day curriculum and teaching that supports all students to succeed on the Consortium's math PBAT. It will be an opportunity to get out of your building and meet, work with, and learn from teachers from other schools who are grappling with similar problems. We hope that your department will choose to get involved - we are asking for teams of at least 3, which can include Special Educators working in math classrooms (if your department team is smaller than 3, reach out and let us know). For more information about the context, purpose, and logistics for the year's Math Exchange, see here.

Proposed Meeting dates: Wednesday October 19, Friday December 9, Wednesday February 15, Friday March 31, Wednesday May 10 12PM to 3PM

Additional Activities: Intervisitations of math classrooms - weeks of November 14 and April 24, PBAT observations for June presentations.

Complete the Social Studies Topic Survey

Complete by Friday, September 23

We've already gotten a great response to our Social Studies topic survey and will be working in the next few weeks to start to plan opportunities for collaboration across schools. Social Studies Teachers, don't miss out! Fill out this survey to share what you're planning to teach this year so we can help get you connected.

Meeting for Faculty New to the Consortium

Thursday October 6 3:30 - 5:00 PM
Julia Richman Educational Complex, 317 E 67th St Manhattan

This is an opportunity for both new and experienced teachers who are new to Consortium schools to understand our unique assessment system, the types of teaching and learning it is designed to enable, and the larger political context of our work. It's also an opportunity to ask questions, engage in discussion, and meet new colleagues. We hope to see you there.

Performance Assessment