Positions Open In Consortium Schools

To apply: Each position below includes a description of the school and how to apply.
To submit: Looking to fill a position at your school? Submit the job description here.

School of The Future looking for a full time physics and computer science teacher starting fall 2024 and a maternity leave replacement for 11th and 12th Grade Biology & Environmental Science.

School of The Future looking for a full time physics and computer science teacher starting fall 2024 and a maternity leave replacement for 11th and 12th Grade Biology and Environmental Science for first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. 

School of the Future is a small, innovative public sixth through twelfth grade We aim to have a rigorous, supportive and AntiRacist environment.  Half of our classes are co-taught and we have a very strong and integrated Special Education Program.  Students at School of the Future graduate by Exit Projects in Middle School and Exhibitions in high school. These are extensively researched papers and oral presentations where students demonstrate they have mastered the challenging standards of research: construct and answer an interesting essential question, demonstrate critical thinking skills, and adhere to conventions of writing. The high school uses this form of assessment instead of Regents Exams. We are a member of the Competency Collaborative and use competency based grading to assess our students and support them in their academic growth.  Our approach is to be nurturing yet academically demanding and provide personally and politically engaging curricula. We are a project-based school as we believe the workshop approach fits with our philosophy of apprenticeship and students as worker, teacher as coach. Please check out our website at sof.edu and reach out to Katherine Brown (kbrown2@sof.edu) if you’re interested.

Performance Assessment