Professional Development & Events

Consortium Summer Professional Development Continues!

Consortium Summer Professional Development Continues!

We hope you are enjoying the summer. We are announcing one more workshop opportunity available for this August. Sign up here by Wednesday, August 17. Per session and CTLE hours are available for participating teachers.

Supporting Readers Across Disciplines through Text Sets

Rayhan Ahmed, Gotham Professional Arts Academy

Monday August 22 9:30 - 3:30

Tuesday August 23 9:30 - 3:30


As Consortium teachers, we have the opportunity to design and implement content and thinking-rich projects that not only push our students to learn in complex and meaningful ways but also contribute to making the world a better place.

But how do we systematically and intentionally provide students with the right experiences in reading and writing within our disciplines to build their skills in a balanced way as part of planning our projects? This workshop explores the creation of Text Sets, collections of related texts organized around a problem, topic, expedition, concept, or idea, that allow students to build their reading skills. 

After two intense sessions, you will leave with a planning calendar and readings that will hopefully make your planning (and photocopying) more manageable for the upcoming semester!